Armor Chip Versus Big Brand Name Epoxy

Armor Chip Versus Big Brand Name Epoxy

If you're wondering what's the best garage epoxy flooring or why ArmorGarage epoxy is better than the rest then just watch this short video. This is what you get when you don't know what you're purchasing, you think you're getting a heavy duty great product and your floor looks great when you're done applying the epoxy. But then all of a sudden once you start parking your car in the garage or your business starts operating on the floor it starts to fade and wear out and most likely starts peeling off. We try our hardest to get you to avoid this exact scenario. Unfortunately it happens way more than it should.

As you'll see there's a huge difference between the floor done with Armor Garage Armor Chip Garage Epoxy and the part done with a heavy duty off the shelf epoxy. Mind you the non ArmorGarage part has no vehicle traffic!